Health Screening
Age appropriate health screening is elusive online therefore we will help list it for your families benefit.
Age | Women | Men |
3-5yr | Vision test | Vision test |
Diabetes screening if BP>135/80 | Diabetes if BP> 135/80 | |
18 | BP screening | BP screening |
21 | Cervical ca screening q3yr | |
24 | Chlamydia screening | |
35 | If increased risk of CAD | Cholesterol |
40 | Breast cancer screening q1-2yr | |
45 | Aspirin | |
50 | Colorectal Ca screening | Colorectal Ca Screening |
55 | Aspirin | |
65 | Screening osteoporosis | |
65 | Vitamin D supplementation | |
65 | US abdomen for AAA* |
* in those with history of smoking.
Every other year physical exams are a good idea after age 40. Annual physicals are helpful after age 50 unless health problems warrant an earlier age.
For the official US preventative service task force link CLICK HERE.